Saturday, November 30, 2019

Management in various areas

Introduction The modern business environment is very volatile and complex therefore demanding more attention and dedication from entrepreneurs and business executives. If business individuals lack the necessary management skills then their business efforts are most likely to fail because businesses demand that managers make the right decisions in order for them to survive in time of emergency and even in the normal course of business (Baruch, 2004, 114).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Management in various areas specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Next Generation Management module is a module that will enable those interested in management to understand how to manage not only their own business ventures and organizations and also impart sense of social responsibility through attending various lecture, workshops, seminars, and conferences around Dublin. Contemporary management of organizations is not simple and therefore this is why this module will concentrate ensuring that attendees gain skills on: Personal and Career Development: Competence assessment, planning and development, which is important in ensuring that managers have the ability to attain skills that will assist them to have the necessary skills in both the short run and long run such skills include better decision making capability, better leadership ability, and in turn managers will be able to base their decisions on logic through critical thinking. Furthermore managers who undergo personal development programs are able to portray self confidence communicate better and even end up being creative due to the flexible approach that they have to tackling organizational issues. The Next Generation module will also help managers gain ability to appreciate the need of operating with a Global and a societal approach by attending lecturers from renown Nobel Laureate, Dr Chu the discussion made clear that the physical environment was part and parcel of the business environment and therefore needed to be taken care of because if it disintegrates that the economy and human economic activities will also fail. Additionally, discussions from this part of the model enable students of management appreciate the role of creativity and innovation together with the important role which both agriculture, ethics and Greenpeace plays in the environment. Research is a crucial part of Next Generation management module because research is able to assist managers gain the right information that will guide their decision making and logical thinking process. Discussions unveiled on the importance of carrying out systematic research and avoiding plagiarism because plagiarism can often affect the outcome of a research and compromise its quality.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Research is an important part of today’s business environment and therefore it is important to gather and analyze data properly so that the information obtained can be considered useful and assist in decision making( Kourdi 2009, 114). The discussions on research did shed light on Digital media and communication which has become an integral part of organizational and inter-organizational communication. Managers are therefore required to embrace the emerging communication trends that individuals in the business world are adopting today because they can determine whether an organization performs better or even fails. The acquisition of the right skill set and through continuous learning is crucial for those who intend to become good managers since it helps them realize and even surpass their potential. With more high-tech devices, mobile technology and software it is necessary for managers to attend various seminars and tutorials and implement continuous learning techniques that will allow them to embrace the latest communic ation and software trends for the benefit of their organization especially when dealing with consumers (Solomon Askegaard, 2002, p.44) Overall Reflection Managers in any functional area of an organization are expected to run organizations on behalf of the shareholders and produce the expected results it is therefore necessary that managers gather the necessary knowledge from various avenues in order for them to get the necessary skills to help them carry out their functions more successfully and efficiently. The Next Generation Management gives managers the opportunity by which they can learn more and become better managers through attending a series lecture, workshops, seminars, mini-conferences that aim to encourage, the need to sustain personal development, social responsibility, research skills and communication skills which are an essential part of today’s organizations (Trott 2008, 78). This module is therefore very important not only for businesses, organizations and managers as individuals but also can be influential in the country’s economy, which aims to increase the output of individuals who are directly linked to the economy of the country. The economy and the business environment are subject to highly complex variables and all managers including marketing managers should be ready to solve business problems as they present themselves.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Management in various areas specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is therefore necessary for entrepreneurs and leaders to have the necessary management skills so that complex business situations can be solved and situations which often present themselves as problems can be turned into opportunities (Kourdi 2009, 4). By applying leadership skills organizational managers can come across as more effective and make better decisions because their analytical and logical skills can be easily improved as a resu lt of attending discussions of this model. This module furthermore insists on the importance and priority that should be attached to creativity and innovation at both the individual and society level. Many individuals who haven’t been exposed to teachings of this model may be tempted to ignore the importance of innovation in today’s society. The Next Generation Management gives the learner the opportunity to expand their mindset to look at the business and economy as part of the globe and the entire global society and therefore initiate solutions that are not only solutions to the problems of the county of Ireland but are also a solution for the entire globe. When managers operate with global approach they are most likely to make decisions that are more ethical and moral. Today’s business environment is full of scandals and irresponsibility and thus managers are required to put their foot down and make decisions that not only correlate to their interests but als o to the interests of the community. This module enables managers weigh benefits accrued in the short run and compare them to benefits that will be accrued in the long run and factor them in their decision making in order to increase positive outcome. Managers need to discover that business success doesn’t come easy and if they desire to be successful they are required to become very creative and innovative. Creativity is becoming the backbone of the world’s greatest organizations and the largest economies. Managers are therefore required not only to use their abilities but also gather the views of various subordinates and together work towards developing creative approaches of doing business and reinventing the economy. The Next Generation module also enabled us understand the importance of taking care of the environment and ensuring that the country remains agriculturally stable in order to ensure that the future of Ireland is secured because food stability is import ant to the economy of any country.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The destruction of the environment will therefore have a negative toll on the business environment and thus managers should not remain ignorant or arrogant to the environment hence they should struggle to maintain the environment one on one or through environmental organizations such as Greenspan. This module provided a platform which made it clear that research should take center stage in improving not only the economy but also businesses. Managers are supposed to carry out research more frequently and vigorously and information gathered from research should be clearly analyzed using packages such as SPSS can be used to assist in the process of decision making. Managers usually require a lot of facts so that their ability to make carry out analysis and solve problems can be made easier. There are many dangers of plagiarizing work and therefore it is necessary for managers to carry out independent qualitative and quantitative research so that their research can unveil new findings t hat can help them and their organization carry out innovative changes. It is thus necessary to use all research tools in order to ensure that the findings of research can turn out to be very useful even when presented to other peers and those who the information as useful. The Next Generation Management gave us the opportunity to appreciate the development in media and communication techniques that are used in today’s commercial environment. Technological environment have led to many inventions which managers can use to carry out their functions more easily and companies can even collect data from their consumers more easily through socials sites and mobile applications and use this in shaping organizational strategy. Marketing managers for example, can improve on organizational marketing strategy and even increase organizational revenue streams by embracing the role played by technology in the media (Trott, 2008, 103-113). The introduction of the internet in the business env ironment is very important to the managers since the managers can use internet search engines to maximize business opportunities for themselves and their organizations, and it is therefore necessary for managers to take technology serious because it is a key success ingredient in today’s business environment. Enterprise Resource planning is an important part of today’s organizations because it assists organizations to minimize losses and wastage of resources and therefore organizations should also adopt technologies that will allow them to plan on how to optimize the use of their resources. In conclusion the Next Generation Management module has opened my eyes to the world of strategic management practices, making it clear that success of today’s commercial enterprises depends on how well managers are able to make financial, marketing, human resource and other organizational decisions by adopting innovative techniques. Personal Career Development Good managemen t is necessary for the continued existence and success of commercial organizations; this is because commercial organization and even non commercial organizations usually find themselves in ambiguous situations that require managers to use their skills and talents to direct the organization out of dilemmas. For managers to successfully plan, staff, control, organize and direct the organization it is necessary that these managers obtain the necessary set of skills that will proof usefully in ensuring that the day to day and long run operations of the organization are carried out smoothly. Organizations are driven by strategic goals which are enshrined in the mission and vision of the company and it is therefore important to ensure that organizational staff and especially management have their talents and skills fully developed to competently deal with ambiguous situations (Baruch 2004, 44). While an organizations mission is mostly a vehicle of taking the organization into the future i t mainly operates with a short term day to day operation and the vision is usually long-term managers are therefore need to have their personal skills developed for them to make the necessary career decisions effectively. Most of these skills were developed in a series of seminars and workshops that required managers to go out on their own talk. For example Deloitte conference, assess the value of an idea, CV writing workshop, Bobby Kerr-motivation, coaching speech, Paddy Power – motivation, coaching speech, Attendance of Chinese classes- for personal development, Be involved in tutoring of IT for elderly people, and Improving Yourself-esteem – seminar/workshop. It is hence clear that managers require their organizations to put in place training and development schedules that will assist their managers require the necessary long-term and short-term skills to effectively carry out their organization responsibilities in today’s turbulent business environment. The following are the most important skills that those who were part of the management module were required to acquire. The Next Generation Management module required that managers attend lectures, workshops, seminars, mini-conferences and individual development of personal development plan speeches Dublin. The following are some of the necessary shorter skills that managers were able to develop during this Next Generation Management module which were scheduled to take place in a timeframe of 12 months: Self confidence Managers are required to operate with a high level of confidence this is because other subordinates look up to them. Hence, if managers do not portray self confidence then subordinates may be forced to doubt his leadership and decision making abilities and this is will therefore affect the organization (Baruch, 2004, 32). Managers are therefore required to dress, talk and even carry themselves in such a way that portrays that they are highly confident. Managers are requir ed to have a positive image and positive thoughts of hope and possibility and transfer this to subordinates ands clients while interacting in the normal course of business. Communication Communication is a key part of business and is therefore vital that managers use communication techniques that will ensure all stakeholders are informed in the right time and the right information is given to them. Managers are therefore required to develop skills that will allow them to pass messages with the right tone, mimics, gestures and pronunciation (Corfield 2009, 5). Managers are also required to have the appropriate presentation skills that will enable the managers carry out oral presentations with high effectiveness not only in official meetings but also social events. Adaptability The business environment is volatile and ever changing and it is therefore necessary that managers have the necessary skills that will allow them to be highly flexible especially when organizational changes tak e place. Managers are therefore required to be highly radical and use environmental scanning techniques and create the necessary support systems that will enable the organization embrace change. Dynamic managers are more likely to create organizations that smoothly embrace strategic change that is necessary for better performance of the organization. Creativity/Innovative thinking It is often the task of managers to make sure that fresh ideas are consistently developed in commercial organizations. A dynamic environment requires new ideas frequently and thus managers are required to be trained to tap into their imagination in order to develop new ideas (Trott, 2008, p.7). Managers are thus encouraged to continuously research read and even attend seminars that will develop their innovative skills. Self Management Manager are required to have the necessary skills to prioritize and efficiently allocate resources where they are needed and therefore they need to develop their self managem ent skills. Managers are required to plan in advance and schedule activities within a timeframe and see to it that these events occur as planned. The Next Generation Management module which was scheduled took place in a timeframe of 12 months also ensured that manager’s personal and career development assisted manager’s gain the following skills. Leadership Managers are supposed to be leaders and be able to influence the behavior of individuals and inspire them to follow the strategic goals of an organization in order to achieve the mission and vision. Managers with up to date leadership skills are able to set goals prioritize and also operate with well defined action plans. Leaders set an image for the organization and trend for subordinates by ensuring that they have a positive attitude, properly research and have the knowledge and assist subordinates to grasp the fact and process, and this was the aim of the Next Generation Management module. Teamwork Managers are r equired to have the ability to bring subordinates’ together and build relationships through cooperation and mutual respect for the benefit of the organization (Whetton Camerson 2007, 88). Managers are able to do this by constantly attending seminars, tutorials and social events in order to gain team building skills. Decision making Managers are often required to make quick decisions when need arises and hence it in good that managers have the ability to analyze situations with wisdom and make acceptable justifiable solutions that are backed by fact and reason (Beeson 2009, 54). Managers build such capacity through tutorials, seminars and focus on continuous research. Analytical and Problem solving techniques Manages are required to use logic and reason in order to ensure that they can effectively resolve difficult matters that are problematic. It is thus very important that managers develop the right potential to handle problematic situations and emerge out of them by using logic and facts to solve problems (Whetton Camerson, 2007, p.18). Managers are able to acquire this skill through continuous learning and research, concentration and also by attending the right seminars and tutorials. Global and Societal Awareness Nobel Laureate Lecture The Next Generation Management module demanded that we attend seminars and tutorials to assist us as students of contemporary management to get an in-depth experience of why it is necessary for manager’s, businessmen and entrepreneurs to have societal awareness while carrying out their duties. In one of our lectures at a seminar, the Nobel Laureate Dr Chu and other numerous speakers made it clear that it is important for students of business to know that business activities are usually accompanied by physical impact, because business activities usually depend a lot on the environment for most of its activities to be successful. Dr Chu made it clear that the operations of businesses and commercial enterprises normally cause climate and environmental changes. He furthermore made it clear that the issue of energy has caused big debate and it is now the high time that researchers encourage industries to use renewable energy sources and re-evaluate energy policies so as to save the planet from further depletion. The speaker insisted that the downturn and destruction of the environment would most likely lead to the demise of the economy and it is thus necessary to nature the environment and replenish it using technologies that will transform the environment in order for human economic activities to take place. University of Enterprise: Delivering Ireland’s Next Class of Successful Entrepreneurs. The future of the economy and of the corporate world definitely depends on how well today’s young entrepreneurs are natured and brought up in order for them to become the best business elite in the future. Modern entrepreneurs are therefore required to be shaped in order for them to beco me highly dynamic and environmentally conscious. If the upcoming entrepreneurs are arrogant and ignore the important role the environment plays making their ventures a success then there will be faced with an economic downturn thus entrepreneurs should operate with practices which do not pollute or degrade the environment. It is thus necessary to prepare entrepreneurs so that they can acquire the necessary knowledge and also have the ability to apply it in the real world (Trott, 2008, p.33). Lectures at the workshop also made it clear those entrepreneurs who continuously learn and take education serious are more likely succeed. The Long Debate (Inventorium) This discussion made it clear Creativity and imagination is a key cornerstone of today’s turbulent business environment laying emphasis that the greatest organizations are continuously searching for new creative avenues of doing business and therefore this is why they excel as compared to their counterparts (Trott, 2008, p .16). The lecturers made it clear that an economy which considers itself as superior and smart must continuously apply more effort towards ensuring that their greatest minds are always working on the next big thing. Ireland is a country of vision and thus has put its best minds towards bringing innovative practices into the country’s economy. Additionally it is also important for the entire society to create mechanisms for sustaining development but at the same time self-development should not be ignored because it is important to the success of entrepreneurs and organizations. The speaker insisted that if one is expected to be outstanding, it is a must that he/she operates with a mentality that will give his or her venture the stability to be highly creative so that he can use novellus ideas to outshine other competitors. Climate Change and agriculture The discussion centered on the importance of agriculture on the economy keeping in mind that one of the most important eleme nts of an economy is the ability of a country to have enough food to feeds it citizens in order for it to move towards industrialization. The current global economy is growing at a faster pace and the environment is becoming depleted due to the careless nature of corporations therefore threatening agricultural activities. The discussion also revealed that the effects of pollution and deforestation are having a negative effect on the temperatures, rainfall and the quality of the soil therefore having a negative impact on agriculture. If the current trend continues together with effects of population explosion then it is more likely that the global economy and entrepreneurial efforts will also be affected and therefore innovative methods like green houses must be introduced in order to increase food production. Personal Ethics The discussion made it clear that ethics provide a basis by which individuals are able to determine what is right or wrong. Ethics are governed by moral values and what may be morally ethical in Ireland may not be necessarily ethical in any other part of the world. The discussion further revealed that what is lawful is not necessarily ethical and that individuals are normally torn between loyalty and the truth or even sometimes on maters to do with personal interest verses community interest therefore affecting their decisions. It is therefore true to conclude ethics is strictly personal and thus individuals must evaluate the possible consequences of their actions/decisions and if the results are have more harm that good to the society abandon them. The business environment is for example involved with decisions that aim to increase benefit of the organization but it is necessary that managers and entrepreneurs apply ethical principles while making business decisions. Managers and entrepreneurs’ should apply wisdom and not only look at a short-term view but also take a long-term approach while making business decisions. Greenpeace T his discussion was based around the numerous numbers of non governmental organizations that have dedicated their efforts towards restoring the sanctity of the environment that has come about as the result of human activity. The discussion revealed that Greenpeace is a non governmental organization that funds its activities using donations, the organization aims to restore flora and fauna and make earth a better place by reducing environment destruction. Entrepreneurs and business executives are aware of the toll that their business activities have on the environment and therefore it is important for them to use their corporate social responsibility arm by donating and funding activities of such bodies with the aim of having the environment restored. The advantage of having such organizations around is that these organizations promote responsible behavior by adjusting the attitudes of human beings who are responsible of exploiting natural resources. The organization has hence achieve d a lot through its operations which spread in over 40 countries in the world, making it a very important part of the global society. Research Research skills are important for today’s managers, the business environment is highly volatile and organizations are faced with problems and thereby managers and employees need to have the ability to carry out research in order to assist management to make important decisions based on factual findings (McGivern, 2006, p123). It is thus necessary for individuals to adhere to ethics and ensure that any research that they carry out is not plagiarized. Every research is unique in its own way and it is hence necessary to carry out research diligently and base the findings and recommendations based on the findings of the research (Hogan, Dolan, Donnellly, 2009, p.16). Discussions in the Next Generation Management module made it clear that if a researcher carries out research and for what ever reasons decides to replicate findings by borrow ing from the works of another researcher it will be necessary that the researcher acknowledge all sources where he/she borrowed from. Plagiarism is not only illegal but it can also be misleading in some instances and thereby compromise any strategic decisions that managers make especially in commercial organizations. It is therefore necessary for researchers to be highly disciplined and carry out their literature review properly by consulting and acknowledging the various sources of their information. Once researcher has gathered the necessary data it then becomes their responsibility to interpret and arrange the data in such a way that it will serve the main objective of their research. The researcher must find the most suitable way to analyze their data so that it can make sense to the audience which it was intended for (Kourdi, 2009, p.38). Many researchers conduct their research so that they can provide useful information that can be used by not only other peers but also by thos e in the business environment in order to assist managers in their decision making process. This is therefore the main reason which always drives researchers to carry out research in order to have them published and reviewed by their peers. When a particular writer’s research is highly appreciated and commended by peers then a researcher feels a sense of pride and therefore will continue to expound on his research by carrying out other works. Strategic decisions especially branding and product decisions made by marketing managers are not guess work but rather they are based on academic foundations that are normally obtained from various peer reviews and published sources. If this published work and peer reviews were absent then it would make it hard to know which research findings were more correct and therefore justifiable, this fact would make it quite hard for business managers to carry out decision making because they would simply doubt the facts that were presented in fr ont of them. Peer review enables various researches which are published undergo vigorous scrutiny and therefore ascertain the validity of their contributing to the various disciplines they claim to have authority over. SPSS is a software package that enables individuals carrying out research quantify their findings and make the most suitable conclusions hence, making useful information out of the data (Burrell, and Morgan, 1979, p.13) The discussion of the Next Generation Management module made it clear that this software is very important in the field of social sciences. When researchers want to carry out social researches and even analyze demographic data this package becomes a very important part of their research due to its ability to accept quantitative data and summarize it in the form of graphs, pie charts and even pictographs (McGivern, 2006, p 43). Marketing activities of such organizations usually require a lot of research that requires demographic analysis and thus manage r’s end up using this package to make the necessary deductions that are crucial in formulating marketing strategy (Burrell, Morgan,1979, p.98). It thus becomes clear that in the absence of this package then managers would be subjected to a more tiresome ways of analyzing data that is collected using questionnaires. It is thus necessary for managers who intend to become good researchers to quickly learn and frequently use this package in order to have more factual information that is good for decision making within the organization. The Next Generation Module discussion also made it clear that the research process can only be successful if the right techniques are used by managers to construct the moist appropriate questionnaires. Faulty questionnaires will most likely compromise the entire research process and it is therefore important for a manager/researcher to clearly define the purpose of his research and thus generate questionnaire questions that are specific and approp riate for the research at hand (Burns Burns, 2008,p.63-67). If the questionnaire is compromised then the findings will most likely also be compromised and such events will in turn the decisions which managers make in the long run. Dublin buss is able to accurately construct its questionnaires in order to gather satisfaction data from its customers and use this information to justify any strategic changes (Solomon Askegaard, 2002, p.17). Digital Skills, Media Communication The need for individuals within the business community and the economy to communicate is very important and plays a big role in determining the success or failure of the organizations which they run, it thus has become very necessary that individuals within the business industry to dedicate resources and adopt the use of web technologies such as CSS3 HTML5 in order to maximize the potential of their business ventures. Web technologies are thus very essential because they enable companies and organizations devel op websites that are a very important part of communication and business considering the web is sometimes necessary for financial transactions and exchange of goods and services to occur (Hoffman Novak, 2000). Managers within functional areas of I.T and marketing should make sure that the individuals who are responsible for using web technologies have the necessary programming skills that enable them program and develop websites efficiently by getting rid of redundant coding technologies. The Discussion by Mike Schroepfer, Facebook VP of engineering, enabled the participants understand that computer science developments play a very big role towards defining the level of innovation among many industries and especially businesses. Computer science enables managers develop the necessary innovations that are necessary in project management and also plays a big role towards ensuring that people around the world are connected to each other therefore enabling a lot of opportunities to be realized (Payne Peck, 2003, p.87). Business managers and marketers especially should ensure while using such technologies that the parameters are customized in such a way that the end consumers find it suitable for their use. As much as individuals usually resist change, it is the duty of managers to work hand in hand with the society to help them embrace change that will result to more positive outcome. As much as consumers and majority of businesses are embracing the digital age that has most of its activities going on over the internet, managers are thus expected to have the necessary minimum skills that will enable them embrace the digital world that has become inseparable for businesses ( Kourdi, 2009. P.188-190). Majority of business activities and especially marketing activities have forced marketing managers to formulate digital strategies that will enable them carry their business activities on the net. Web 2.0 technologies has taken the concept of social marketing to anot her height thereby pushing a lot of consumer traffic to the net and therefore companies are even distributing, promoting and marketing their products using viral marketing techniques. Blogging sites have now become a part of the social revolution on the internet thus demanding managers to develop strategies that will enable their products and brands gain good images and ratings in the social media of the internet. A while back, mobile phones were just used for communication by marketers and managers, thanks to the numerous mobile phone applications that run on smartphones such as IPhone and Android enabled hand sets consumers have a direct link to the worldwide web and business products just on the click of a button. With these facts unveiled managers are supposed to get rid of mobile any obstacles that hinder the enhancement of doing business between organizations by developing programs and applications that will make it easy and more convenient for consumers to conduct business wi th their mobiles. Numerous businesses around the world are increasing their business potential and realizing many revenue streams as a result of embracing and integrating the use of mobile applications into their business models. Search optimization technology is very important as far as using web applications is concerned and a company’s website may simply have low traffic and low transactions if the wrong approach was used by developers and I.T specialists in order to set up a website (Windham, 2001, p.145). Website developers thus have no option but to work hand in hand with all functional managers in order to ensure that the right key words are used while developing websites so that when consumers/clientele go online their websites are more likely to have more chances of being accessed by consumers who wish to purchase products or access company information. I.T department plays a very big role in ensuring that organizations communicate with the entire world and it is the refore up to them to adopt the latest technologies such as cloud computing technology in order to take their organizations into the next level and make it more easier for customers to use the web to interact with the organization (Hoffman Novak, 2000). If organizations fail to use technology to store appropriate consumers data and manage organizational resources then it will become hard for this organizations to maximize their business opportunities. As technologies become obsolete and as new technologies become more usable the I.T experts are required to ensure that the transition between technologies is smooth and doesn’t affect the organization negatively. Software used within organizations is used in order to help organizations manage resources and run operations with a high degree of efficiency. Many organizations are adopting the use of Enterprise Resource Planning Technology with the aim that the software will assist the organization through its managers prevent the w astage of resource through optimizing the use of resources within the organization. The introduction of such software enables organization plan its sales and revenue streams at a high and also reduce any unnecessary cost thereby saving organizations from unnecessary loses. The role of software in business cannot be ignored and if the level of software innovation within Ireland decreases, so will the performance of organization and the economy. It is thus necessary for stakeholders to invest in the future of the Irish software industry and ensure that innovation is sustained because if they fail to do this then the growth of the Irish economy and other related industries will also be compromised. The development of new software is vital towards sustain sales and competitive intelligence of many industries and thus continuous and consistent research should be carried out in order to make sure the Irish software industry stays ahead within the markets needs. References Baruch, Y., 2004 . Managing Careers: Theory and Practice. Edinburgh: Pearson Education. Beeson, J., 2009. Managing Yourself: Why you didn’t get that promotion, Harvard Business Review, 14-56. Bryman, A. Bell, E., 2007. Business Research Methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Burns, R. A. Burns, R. B., 2008. Business Research Methods and Statistics using SPSS. Mankato: Sage Publications. Burrell, G. Morgan, G., 1979. Sociological Paradigms and Organizational Analysis. London: Heinemann. Corfield, R., 2009. Preparing the perfect CV: How to make a great impression and get the job you want. London: Kogan-Page. Hoffman, D., Novak, T., 2000. How to Acquire Customers on the Web. Harvard Business Review, 179-188. Hogan, J., Dolan, P. Donnellly, P., 2009. Approaches to Qualitative Research. New York: Oak Tree Press. Kourdi, J., 2009. Business Strategy: A Guide to Effective Decision Making. 2nd edn. New York, NY: Economist books. McGivern, Y., 2006. The Practice of Market and Social Research. L ondon: Prentice-Hall. Payne, C., Peck, C., 2003. Relationship Marketing for Competitive Advantage. Burnbury Road: Butterworth-Heinemann. Saunders, M., Lewis, P., Thornhill, A. 2006. Research Methods for Business Students. London: Pitman Publishing. Solomon, B. Askegaard, L., 2002. Consumer Behavior: A European Perspective FT. New York: Prentice Hall. Trott. P., 2008. Innovation Management and New Product Development, 4th edn. London: Pearson. Whetten, D. A. Cameron, K. S., 2007. Developing Management Skills. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Whetton, D.A., Camerson, K.S., 2007. Developing Management Skills. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Windham, L., 2001. The Soul of the New Consumer. The Attitudes, Behaviours and references of e-Customers. New York: Allworth Press. This essay on Management in various areas was written and submitted by user Ciara Lang to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Psycho Shower Scene Analysis Essay Example

Psycho Shower Scene Analysis Essay Example Psycho Shower Scene Analysis Paper Psycho Shower Scene Analysis Paper Analysis of Shower Scene in Psycho Psycho Shower Scene Introduction Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho (1960) is encountered between two characters, Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) a secretary and Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) the owner of the motel. Psycho starts with a title which is sliced up into halves from the middle, which depicts the split personality of Norman, who has been portrayed as psycho in the movie. The title is a reflection on his character. Psycho starts with showing the city of Phoenix, then the buildings and cars are shown from the top angle and then the camera pans to the window which is half closed , this also reflects the duality and shows that something suspicious is going to happen. Inside the room Marion is shown wearing a white underwear. In the next scene when she steals money from her employer and gets back home, she is then shown wearing a black underwear, which shows the difference between purity and evilness, because in white underwear she was shown pure, but after she steals the money, the black underwear signifies that sh e has done a crime and her sin has replaced her purity, and stealing money also shows an authority , as she got what she wanted and now she has control on things. And when she runs away from her home after stealing money, we see her wearing black dress, bag and shoes. Moreover her car was black as well portraying everything as evil. This beginning scene holds a grip on the audience which makes them stick to the screen. Murder of Marion in the shower scene Psycho’s crucial and important scene is the murder of Marion in the shower, which is known as the ‘Shower Scene’. 77 camera angles are featured in this scene, and most of the shots are close ups and extreme close ups. When Marion enters the bathroom, everything is shown completely white, which shows purity, where as Marion is not pure so it signifies that she is taking a shower to clean all of her sins Then the scene starts continuing in different shots and camera angles which shows that something is about to happen, and then there is a silhouette shot of Marion which signifies that things are going to go on a darker side from white. The use of close shots is to make the scene feel longer and more subjective. There are some mediums shots, which are shot before and after the murder, the reason they are not shot between the murder is to show violence and to make the audience feel as they are seeing a murder in reality and while the murder is happening, the audience can feel the helplessness of Marion, and that she is in danger and needs help but there is not one to help her, so audience feel like going into the scene and help her out. Hitchcock is famous for using these kind of shots to make the audience go crazy and feel the reality and here comes the suspension of disbelief which makes the scene more interesting for the audience. The murder ends with a medium shot where blood is pouring into the drain of the tub which shows the end of Marion’s life. Meanwhile, the use of close up shots of the eyes to show the emotions and the nature of the character that the audience could feel. These eye shots are the key shots of the film and nicely used as motif, and the eye with close up is a perfect way to show the goal for violence act. For example after the murder, when we see the blood draining into the drain of the tub, the drain transforms into the eye of the victim, who is lying dead on the bathroom floor. The shots of mirrors are also repeated couple of times to show the mirror image and the dual personality of the character. Birds have been used as a motif, be it stuffed birds in the parlor or the frames in the motel room, this signifies that Marion who came in the motel, she was not less than a stuffed bird on wall or a frame, who could not fly back ever again, as she was murdered by the psycho man. Even when Norman was taking her dead body out of the room, the frame falls down, which shows the end of her life. The car was also use d a motif, it was Morain’s death that was calling her into the motel and it was the car that took her into it. Then the use of low angle and high angle shots through out the course of the film as a motif to make audience feel comfortable and uncomfortable in different situations throughout the movie. In the last scene, when Norman is shown in the jail, we see that he is clad in a black blanket portraying him as a villain and wicked facial expressions on his face shows the evilness of his character and that he is not guilty of what he did, infact he was a truly psycho man. The movie ends with the last scene where we see the car carrying Morain’s dead body emerging out of the water, which has been used as motif throughout the film. Psycho Shower Scene Conclusion In a nutshell, Hitchcock has done an amazing job with Psycho’s mise-en-scene with the mixture of camera angles, lightening and editing, and the use of these elements from the beginning till end, and the contribution of these all have added sense to the concept, as the use is justifiable and gain audiences interest.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Atticus Finch, a Father and Teacher

Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird is full of life lessons and influential figures as siblings Jem and Scout grow up without a mother. As a single parent raising Scout and Jem, it is their father Atticus Finch who influences the children most. Atticus challenges them to be better people and helps them to discover many important life lessons. Some of these include not judging a book by its cover, compromising and keeping your head high and fists down. These lessons play a crucial part of Jem and Scouts’ growth into young adults and allow them to stay strong during the controversial trial of Tom Robinson. One of the first lessons Atticus teaches Scout is compromise He promises that â€Å"If [she] concedes the necessity of going to school, [they’ll] go on reading just as [they] always have. † (Lee 31) Atticus knows Scout is fond of him reading to her, so takes advantage of the situation, not only to convince Scout to go to school, but also to teach her how to compromise. Someone who did not know Scout as well as her father does would not have seen this unique solution or been able to explain the concept to her as well as her father could. Scout’s disastrous first day at school proves to be a flop but is full of valuable teachable moments for Atticus. During the very same conversation† Atticus teaches Scout not to judge a book by its cover. (†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢First of all’ he said, ‘if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view. ’ ‘Sir? ’ ‘Until you climb into his skin and walk around in it:’† (Lee 30) This lesson helps Scout to get along better with her teacher while teaching her to be more understanding of other peoples situations as she exams situations from their point of view. This is not the only time Atticus has to address Scout’s volatile personality, and how it comes out in public. Nor is it the only tie he uses it to teach her a lesson. Atticus again has to address Scouts aggressive behavior after she gives Cecil Jacobs a bloody nose while defending Atticus’s name. This is not the first time Atticus has had to talk to Scout about fighting, but unlike other times, He take the opportunity to teach her a lesson, which sticks with her more than just a simple scolding ever could. He tells her that â€Å"[She] might hear some ugly talk about his [defense of Tom Robinson] at school, but to do one thing for [him] if [she] will: [to] just hold [her] head high and keep those fists down. No matter what anyone says to [her], don’t †¦ let ‘em get [her] goat. † (Lee 76) By asking her to do it for him, Atticus makes a stronger impression on her than threats over could. Scout would take a punishment if it meant standing up for Atticus, but she wouldn’t do anything to disappoint or break a promise with her father. Atticus knows this, and uses it to his benefit to make sure Scout does not get into trouble. Given his situation as Tom Robinson’s lawyer, this is one of the most important lessons he could ever teach Scout. Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird shows Atticus teaching not only Scout valuable lessons, but also the reader too. Lessons such as compromise, not to judge a book by its cover and to use our words not our fists. These valuable lessons are learnt in our youth but often forgotten, as we grow older. Atticus Finch influences his children in such a way that they will never forget these vital life lessons. Lesson we can all learn and live by!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

2 short cases Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

2 short cases - Essay Example Originally, he agreed to lend me the amount without interest as long as I pay it back on time. I had used the borrowed money to buy some school books and also some decent clothes. I had planned to pay it back on time using my earnings from my part-time job waiting on restaurant tables in my spare time on weekends when I am not so busy. My dilemma is that I now already have the $100 in my pocket, ready to pay him back. A totally unexpected problem came up just the other day, with my mom informing me my grandma had suffered another of her usual asthma attacks and needed some medication immediately. This out-of-the-blue development caught me by surprise since grandma had been well long enough in this regard, meaning she had not suffered asthma for several years already and I had thought she had finally gotten over this ailment. My mom called up me to buy my grandma her medicine at a nearest drugstore within our locality. The problem was that just a few minutes earlier, I called up my friend and informed him I was going to his place to hand him back his money as repayment and as a fulfillment of my promise a month earlier to pay it back on time. Our neighborhood is a bit run down and is on the poorer side of our community. As such, it has been a haven for petty criminals although I have some friends among them. These friends are usually just juvenile delinquents who have plenty of time on their hands and nothing better to do with their spare time and extra energies. The key to survival in this part of town is to just keep your head down and mind you own business so nobody will interfere with you also. On one of my shopping expeditions in one of our neighborhood grocery outlets, I meet 2 former school mates from high school. They both said they have no jobs and had fallen on hard times brought by the economic downturn. They were looking for a job and both

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

American Intellectual History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

American Intellectual History - Essay Example According to Chomsky, â€Å"What was left of the left intelligentsia retreated into the academy, where the tragedy of 1960s cultural politics was replayed as farce. Partly this involved the dominance of identity politics. Its sources were compelling and wholly understandable the desires of women and minorities to vindicate and explore a separate sense of self, independent of the hegemonic standards established by white males.† (Noam Chomsky, 1997 p. 115) Intellectual history relates quite closely to the history of ideas and philosophy. The central perspective in intellectual history suggests that ideas do not vary in isolation from the individuals that are responsible for creating and using those ideas. It is also important to study the ideas. It is also important to study the environments, culture and lives of any given nation in order to better understand their ideas and notions. In American intellectual history, an unintended quest for alternative identities was the creation of a new type of fragmented politics if interest groups, which seems to be removed from a greater vision of the good society. It has been argued that the American people seem to be living in a kind of ideal documentary and that this trend must be halted. There is also the perceived culture war of the 1980s and 1990s, which tends to inspire hostility to intellectual elitism. According to author Dionne, â€Å"while the political right spent the 1980s and 1990s preaching the gospel of privatization and the virtue of pursuing individual satisfactions, many in the progressive academy engaged in their own form of withdrawal. An aesthetic radicalism replaced political radicalism, and a battle over texts and canons displaced the fight over whose interests would be served by government and whose ideas would define mainstream politics† (Dionne, 1992 p. 73). For decades, American intellectuals have been trumpeting calls like this. It may be that hardly anybody gets the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Politics and the English language by George Orwell Essay Example for Free

Politics and the English language by George Orwell Essay This is a statement from the Politics and the English language written by George Orwell. He says, A bad usage can spread by tradition and imitation. The whole essay is mocking other writers on their language usage. He claims that the language is not used to its full extent. People use words the size of continents and in the end those big words say the same thing as a three-letter word. Those people also end up confusing them selves in the end. I do believe that language is changed by thought. After all it is the mind that is the one that thinks of the sentences and its thought that may corrupt the language. After all language does not write it self on a paper. The mind can basically create any thing with language. This is why every thing works in theory. But practically it doesnt. I do believe that man creates language to express our selves. Some might use it to corrupt other thoughts but isnt that why language is there. So we can understand each other and express our feelings, thoughts and to claim things, even though they are not true. Language according to the oxford dictionary is defined as: Language noun 1.Words and their use. 2.The words used in a particular country or by a particular group of people [from the Latin lingua=tongue] In a different dictionary it says that language is the system of human expression by means of words. Human language, as expressed by the voice, depends for its production on certain physical characteristics, which are not possessed by the apes. The left hemisphere of the human brain dominates comprehension and expression of written and spoken language. This might be  far searched but maybe this is why communists who believe in all things are equal are called the left wings usually. They are the ones who want to control every thing in life so maybe that is why they are called the left wings. There are more than 5000 languages, or dialects, which are classified in families, though the relationships are not all well established. For example, with a few exceptions, e.g. Basque, Finnish, and Tamil, all the languages of Europe and India belong to a single much diversified Indo-European family. Computers (using rules of language structure) can now translate technical documents with an 80%accuracy. This just shows the diversity of the modern technology. One problem with translating is that different people interpret the text differently. There have been experiments in Nevada USA to see if chimps have the same ability of creating languages that we understand, the scientist figured that since we where related that this could be possible, they found that chimps are not able to produce the human sounds. So at the moment humans are the only ones that have a language. It might be that other animals have languages as well. But the humans have yet to discover this. It has been discovered that animals do have some sort of communication but we cant yet speak dog or cat. Language can corrupt thought as well. A great example is the novel nineteen eighty-four. As part of a great totalitarian state the government creates one language, newspeak, where no emotion words are in the dictionary. With newspeak there is no way of expressing the true emotions, like hate towards Big Brother or love towards one and other. It is possible to disagree with the party by using double negation, or making up words. But the characters in the novel are to scared to do so, because if they do they are committing the act of thought crime, and for that they could be vaporized or worse. Communists set up the whole idea of Big Brother. So as mentioned before this might have to do with the fact that those people want to restrict the growth of the left hemisphere of the brain, as this is the part that lets us speak and write language. They probably want to restrict all things because that  would cause opposition to the party. This might lead to the political party to loose their power or sharing their power. This is something they want to avoid if they want to become a totalitarian state. The opposition might spoil that for them. I wonder in the future if the world will in a way become some thing like Big Brother. One language, every one alike and no one is allowed to be different. What a boring place that would be. I can imagine that one day the world would have one language so would avoid confusions in politics and this would make traveling much easier. Also a students life in high school would be so much easier if you did not have to learn three or four different languages. But language comes along with identity. Going to a different country and hearing a different language is something that might not be any more in the future. We might all be speaking English or a new language like newspeak might be introduced. Maybe the countries might keep their own language but that every country might have that universal language as a second language. But coming back to the point if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought, I do think that language can easily corrupt thought. Not to one self but if lets say, I tell you that the word believe has been taken out of the dictionary and you believe me and immediately tell all your companions this might cause a great confusion about language. I would be the one who spoilt the language, because what word could you use to replace believe? Synonyms of believe are: (according to oxfords Thesaurus.) accept, be certain of, be convinced of, count on, assume, conjecture, consider, gather, and guess. All of these words might be the same, but they cant really replace believe, because as all words, believe has a unique meaning that cant exactly be replaced. In conclusion to ascertain as to if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought, I totally agree. But I dont take the statement as serious as George Orwell does. He gives many examples of bad writing in the essay Politics and the English language, but I think I speak for everyone that one of those examples we use in our language every day. Does this make  us bad writers? According to Orwell we are. I know its just his opinion but he defiantly takes extremes and basically says that all essays, novels, political speeches that dont look like his own style of writing, are bad language.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Discuss Your Goals For The Next Four Years And Comment On Your Post-co :: essays research papers

Discuss Your Goals For the Next Four Years and Comment on Your Post-College Plans   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Next stop, 66th Street and Lincoln Center, † bellowed the cracked voice of the conductor over the loudspeaker. Those words rang in my ear like the notes of a familiar melody. Stepping off the number three train, I was immediately immersed in the scents, sounds and faces of my past. All the wonderful memories of those four years came rushing back into my mind as if they had just occurred. I was finally returning to my birthplace, my home, my origin; my Fordham University.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When I arrived at the campus the first person I saw was my former acting instructor, the great Larry Sacharow. Just seeing him set me awestruck with happiness; it was in his class that my career really took off. â€Å"Professor Sacharow,† I shouted, over the hustle and bustle of the crowded city sidewalk. We finally caught up to each other and exchanged blissful remarks. We spoke of all the wonderful things which have been happening since I successfully completed his class in my sophomore year and how I was offered a spot in Les Miserables and how the references and contacts he gave me opened countless windows of opportunity. One of his references led me back to my high school where I am now teaching a college theatre preparatory course for the 12th grade. He was ecstatic! I couldn't express to him enough how much I enjoyed his class and all the lectures and theatre games we played. It is those little things that I remember most.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After our joyful trip down memory lane, Professor Sacharow (who preferred me to call him Larry which I just couldn't do out of plain respect) led me into the lobby of the residence hall where a mural of myself hung on the east wall. I remember the day the university dedicated that lobby to me for my outstanding achievement. My friends and I had led a fund rally for the school to raise money for the many programs which would be affected by the enormous tax hike in the fall of ‘99. We eventually raised over five million dollars for the university and prevented the cutting of many of the school's fine programs. My fellow thespians, Susan, Richard and the rest of the Theater Acting III class, told the President of what I had organized and how successful it had been. The marvelous mural and dedication was a token of the university's gratitude. I was brought to tears. I felt that this wasn't only the work of myself, but of

Monday, November 11, 2019

Natural Threats To Coral Reef Environmental Sciences Essay

Coral Reef, coastal and pelagic ecosystem renowned for its beautiful life signifiers and for supplying one of the most biologically diverse home grounds on Earth. A reef is a ridge or outcrop of stone in the sea that comes near to the surface. A coral reef is a reef that has been built mostly or wholly by corals, bantam animate beings that live together in settlements. Over 100s or 1000s of old ages the limestone skeletons of coral physique up, with new corals turning on the skeletons of the dead 1s. This physical construction, with its populating surface of corals and other beings, is a coral reef. The corals that build reefs are found merely in warm tropical Waterss where sea temperatures seldom fall below 18 & A ; deg ; C ( 64 & A ; deg ; F ) . They thrive merely in clear seawater where bright sunshine can perforate. This is because corals can non be without the symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae that live in coral tissues and necessitate sunshine for photosynthesis. Many reefs are found around islands, or rather far from land at the border of Continental shelves. Some of the most extended countries of coral reefs are found in the Pacific Ocean, around the islands of Southeast Asia and off the seashore of Australia. Large countries of coral reef are besides found in the Indian Ocean and around the Red Sea and Arabian Sea. Many coral reefs besides exist in the Caribbean Sea. Because their skeletons are made of limestone, corals leave clear and abundant dodos. Some of the earliest signifiers of life-mound- or pillar-shaped fossilised stones known as stromatolites-resemble corals. The oldest stromatolites day of the month back 3.5 billion old ages. They were laid down by some of the simplest beings on Earth-blue-green algae ( besides known as blue-green algae ) . About 560 million old ages ago, limestone reefs built by bacteriums, algae, and sponges foremost appeared. The first complex corals, known as tabulate corals, are recorded at approximately 500 million old ages ago. The corals we know today foremost appeared about 220 million old ages ago, before the age of the dinosaurs. The first true coral reefs began to look about 205 million to 210 million old ages ago. Since this clip there have been several periods of major reef-building, but besides periods when corals declined and did non construct reefs. In all, shallow coral reefs occupy merely about 284,000 sq kilometer ( 110,000 sq myocardial infarction ) , or less than tenth part of 1 per centum ( 0.1 per centum ) of the universe ‘s oceans. Yet in this bantam country, coral reefs house a one-fourth of all marine fish species. Reefs are extremely productive resources for human existences. Hundreds of 1000000s of people live within easy range of coral reefs and trust on them to supply nutrient. Coral reefs besides help protect human colonies from big moving ridges during storms. Types of coral reef: Scientists have identified many types of coral reefs. They are known as spot reefs, fringing reefs, barrier reefs, bank reefs, and atolls. Patch reefs occur along a Continental shelf where mound-shaped knolls on the sea floor are near plenty to the surface to let corals to settle and turn. Fringing reefs occur along a bouldery coastline where corals or coral remains extend outward from the shore and organize an outmost line or ridge that runs parallel to the shore. After many centuries, the reef may turn up to the sea surface. As Marine animals, the corals can non turn above the surface. An unusual type of reef is the coral atoll. This is a big, shallow bank, with a depression in the center, typically annular. The British naturalist Charles Darwin right theorized how coral atolls are formed. Coral atolls get down as fringing reefs about active Oceanic vents. When the volcanic eruptions cease, an island remains. Over long geological periods the island begins to drop. The fringing reef continues to turn as the island sinks. Soon what was a fringing reef around the shore becomes a barrier reef separated from the shriveling island by a deeper laguna. After 1000s of old ages, the volcanic island sinks wholly below sea degree, but the corals continue to turn, organizing a round coral reef, an atoll. Conditionss for coral growing: Corals in general are found in all seas and oceans, even in deep oceans and cold Waterss. Reef-building corals, by contrast, require quite specific conditions in order to boom. None are found in countries where the H2O temperature drops much below 18 & A ; deg ; C ( 64 & A ; deg ; F ) for more than a few yearss. Likewise, although some species in the Arabian Sea on a regular basis encounter temperatures of 36 & A ; deg ; C ( 96.8 & A ; deg ; F ) , more usually corals are adapted to boom in a much smaller temperature scope. Apart from temperature, corals besides require clear Waterss. This is partially because they need sunlight to back up the algae that live within their tissues. They are besides really sensitive to atoms of clay or deposit subsiding on them, which means that corals seldom grow close to rivers or other beginnings of deposit. Menaces to Coral Reef: Natural Threats to Coral Reef: Reefs have ever been capable to natural menaces. Storms and hurricanes on a regular basis sweep across some tropical countries, conveying monolithic moving ridges capable of nailing corals even at deepnesss of 10 m ( 33 foot ) or more. Heavy rainfall can besides harm corals by conveying fresh H2O and deposits onto the reefs. Certain animals eat coral. This is normally a natural procedure on a coral reef, but one animal, the crown-of-thorns sea star, sometimes reaches plague proportions and can destruct all living coral on a reef in a few hebdomads. These pestilences may be natural, and reefs can surely retrieve. However, many scientists believe that overfishing of the natural marauders of these starfish may be declining the job. Starfish populations may besides be turning because they benefit from increased fresh H2O and deposits. Human Threats to Coral Reefs: The great majority of human menaces to coral reefs falls into four classs: pollution, deposit, overfishing, and planetary heating. Corals are susceptible to assorted signifiers of pollution, but likely the most common is merely the flow of foods from untreated sewerage and from agricultural land, particularly where there is heavy usage of pesticides or fertiliser. These foods cause big additions in algae, both in the plankton and in algae turning on the seafloor, which so smother the corals or barricade out the visible radiation. The sum of deposits making the sea has increased quickly over the past hundred old ages or more. This can be linked to the loss of woods and the development of new agricultural techniques that lay the land unfastened to rain and eroding. The deposits are swept into the oceans through rivers and watercourses and, like the algae, can surround and kill the coral. Fishing has been traveling on around coral reefs for 1000s of old ages. Problems arise when excessively many people try to catch fish from the reefs, or when, frequently out of despair, they turn to destructive steps to capture fish. The rapid growing of human populations, combined with the development of progressively efficient angling methods, means that reefs in many countries are overfished. The reefs have fewer and smaller fish than in the yesteryear, a catastrophe both for the reef ecosystem and for the fishers. In a few topographic points, notably in Southeast Asia, some fishers use explosives to capture fish. These explosives kill all fish within a certain country, every bit good as destructing the corals nearby. It takes many old ages for these damaged countries to retrieve. Coral Reef Protection: Despite these menaces, coral reefs can be protected. The consequences of this protection are good for people every bit good as for the reefs. In topographic points where there is chronic overfishing, better, more sustainable direction patterns can increase the entire fish Numberss, leting for more fish to reproduce and raising the gimmicks of the fishers. Sewage intervention and better direction of land countries can assist cut down pollution and deposit, leting reefs to retrieve from degraded provinces. The most of import tools for coral reef preservation are instruction and the constitution of protected countries. Closing off even comparatively little countries of coral reefs to fishing can hold dramatic consequences. Large Numberss of fish build up in these countries and spill over to the environing reefs, where fishers may catch them. These same countries become valuable finishs for tourers as they offer chances to see the reefs. They are besides likely to be of import countries to back up the recovery of reefs when there is devastation of reef countries through natural impacts or coral bleaching. As of 2005 more than 660 coral reefs were being protected, including two of the universe ‘s largest protected areas-the Great Barrier Reef off Australia and the coral reefs of the northwest Hawaiian Islands. The 660 protected reefs represent about 19 per centum of the universe ‘s coral reefs. Some reefs appear to be more resilient to coral decoloring than others. The protection of these reefs from other harmful human impacts will be critical, non merely for their ain endurance, but besides because these same reefs may supply new corals to repopulate damaged reefs. But in the long tally, denominating coral reefs as protected zones will non save any reefs from the planetary effects of clime alteration. Merely drastic decreases in nursery gas emanations, peculiarly C dioxide emanations, can protect coral reefs from the dangers of planetary heating.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Durex Marketing Plan Essay

The Durex brand is well known and well trusted. So was the company’s marketing strategy. Condoms are most used by the 16 to 35 age group – a group most at risk in terms of sexual behaviour. For an older target group, the relevancy of Durex products wanes. This group is in a different life phase and has different sexual needs. Most people over 35 are married or in long-term relationships and therefore use other protection. While brand name recognition in this group is still very high, the product is no longer considered as relevant. The traditional and ongoing challenge, according to Durex global marketing head Mark Critchley, is to constantly attract new customers to the company’s primary age group, 16 to 35, to compensate the natural drop on the upper side, 35 plus. â€Å"We call it youth recruitment, we have to keep attracting young consumers to the brand as older consumers use Durex less because the condom is less relevant to them. † Critchley said Rather than just replenishing the existing consumer base, over the past few years Durex has taken the decision to expand its business concerns into other areas of sexual well-being. Durex wanted to expand its product base; to stretch the market by introducing products that would be relevant to the lives of its older consumers. The company started by researching potential consumers. In the past five years Durex has polled more than a million of them, focusing on different themes: concept level, users’ research (every time a new product is launched the product is always tested with consumers before launching), online research and also a comprehensive worldwide sexual wellbeing survey, led by an independent research company. The results showed that there was an opportunity for Durex to expand into new product categories, by shifting its brand positioning from safer sex to better sex. The goal for the company’s marketing team was therefore to expand Durex’s market and map out various products which consumers want to use to improve their sex life. The company also wanted to change the perception of these products. â€Å"whilst the traditional sex toy in many cases is effective, they look awful. We wanted to ensure our products are well designed, effective and don’t look pink and phallic. Critchley said â€Å"The goal for Durex in stretching the brand is to appeal to both males and female consumers, all our products therefore need to be well thought through and relevant. † survey, led by an independent research company. The results showed that there was an opportunity for Durex to expand into new product categories, by shifting its brand positioning from safer sex to better sex. The goal for the company’s marketing team was therefore to expand Durex’s market and map out various products which consumers want to use to improve their sex life. The company also wanted to change the perception of these products. â€Å"whilst the traditional sex toy in many cases is effective, they look awful. We wanted to ensure our products are well designed, effective and don’t look pink and phallic. † Critchley said â€Å"The goal for Durex in stretching the brand is to appeal to both males and female consumers, all our products therefore need to be well thought through and relevant. † Communication for Durex Play has also taken a different track. Durex has long used the internet to communicate with young adults across the globe and provide them with safer sex information in their own language. With Durex Play, however, the company moved to use above-the-line communication such as TV ads, a method not much used for these products before which again helped to change consumer perceptions about these goods. For the younger target group, Durex’s communication focuses on education, prevention and encouraging condom-use. Durex Play focuses more on the slightly older audience, emphasizing the fun and experimental values. Product Definition Durex is the world’s best-selling brand of condoms, and with a large variety of condoms, lubricants, vibrating rings, and other types of sex toys, it’s no wonder that they’re so widely used. The standard Durex condom is the Durex Natural Feeling Condom, which comes with water-based lubricant inside and reservoir tip to help provide a natural feeling during sex. An alternative to this classic is the Durex Enhanced Pleasure, which has a special contoured shape that creates both more sensitivity and a better fit to help enhance the experience. Looking for something a little more exciting? Try Durex High Sensation condoms, which differ from other ribbed condoms by having large ribs towards the open end, leading in an increase in sensation for your partner. Another condom in that same vein is the Durex Her Sensation condom, which with its specifically positioned ribs and berry scent will certainly please your partner, if not you as well. Don’t think that’s exciting enough? Then try the Durex Intense Sensation with its raised stud texture, which is sure to lead to a unique and memorable experience. And for those who love both ribbing and studs, there’s the Durex Pleasuremax, the ultimate in pleasure from Durex. Looking for something in particular with your condom? Want to extend the experience for as long as humanly possible? Durex’s new Durex Performax condoms are for you then, as they contain a special climax control lubricant inside to help extend your experience long into the night. Interested in sensitivity and thinness? Durex Extra Sensitive Condoms are 20% thinner than the standard condom and have a fitted shape which greatly enhances the sensation while reassuring that you stay protected. Another similar condom is the Durex Maximum Love Condom, which, besides being thinner, comes with an extra-smooth silky lubricant inside to help increase sensation during sex. However, if you’re more interested in the safe part of safe sex, try Durex Extra Strength Condoms instead, which use premium latex to ensure that the right combination of pleasure and protection occurs. And for those of you who want some fun with your sexual experience (and who doesn’t want that? ), Durex Colors & Scents Condoms and Durex Rainbow Colored Condoms come in a wide variety of colors and scents to help add that special touch. There’s also Durex Natural Feeling Non-Lubricated Condoms for those who are sensitive to lubricant, and Durex Avanti Polyurethane Condoms for those who are sensitive to latex, so no one has to miss out. And if you’re unable to decide on just one type of condom, Durex offers a Sampler Pack where you can choose up to four different types to try out. It’s no surprise then that Durex condoms are considered some of the best in the world! And with condoms being fairly inexpensive, buying them wholesale and trying out lots of different types has never been so easy! Durex also offers a number of excellent lubricants as well. One is Durex Play More, which is designed to help enhance intimacy and is a long-lasting lubricant. Another is Durex Play Longer, which helps delay climax in order to extend the experience even longer. Then there’s Durex Play Warmer, which provides a warming sensation on contact, which is sure to be a real pleaser. Finally, there’s Durex Play Tingling, which with its minty scent and tingling sensation makes an excellent type of massage lotion. And of course, all of these lubricants can be used on condoms.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Interests

Suffering: The prerequisite for having interests â€Å"We cannot directly experience anyone else's pain, whether that "anyone†is our best friend or a stray dog. Pain is a state of consciousness, a "mental event, †and as such it can never be observed. Behaviour like writhing, screaming, or drawing one's hand away from the lighted cigarette is not pain itself; nor are the recordings a neurologist might make of activity within the brain observations of pain itself. Pain is something that we feel, and we can only infer that others are feeling it from various external indications . . . †( Singer, 1990 ). Many environmentalists like Aldo Leopold and Holmes Rolston III criticize as unecological the emphasis those animal liberationists like Peter Singer place on preventing animal suffering. Their argument holds that animal liberationists must regard predation as bad by extending the role of moral consideration to include things that do not feel pain or pleasure. The view that Leopold and Rolston hold maintain that like the natural system of the animal world ( humans and non-human animals ), the eco systems of the land (including soil, plants, and all animals) is highly debatable and should be taken into moral consideration. This paper disputes the latter view by arguing that the capacity for suffering and enjoying things is a prerequisite for having interests at all. As Holmes Rolston III argues, â€Å"Singer has himself proved blind to the still larger effort in environmental ethics to value life in all its ranges and levels, indeed to care for biosphere Earth . . . His victory is mainly for vertebrates, who form only 4 percent of living things by species and only a tiny fraction of a per cent by numbers of individuals†( Rolston, 1990 ). It is reasonable to suppose all vertebrate animals to be capable of feeling pain. With invertebrates the matter becomes unclear but some invertebrates also seem likely to experience pain. As... Free Essays on Interests Free Essays on Interests Suffering: The prerequisite for having interests â€Å"We cannot directly experience anyone else's pain, whether that "anyone†is our best friend or a stray dog. Pain is a state of consciousness, a "mental event, †and as such it can never be observed. Behaviour like writhing, screaming, or drawing one's hand away from the lighted cigarette is not pain itself; nor are the recordings a neurologist might make of activity within the brain observations of pain itself. Pain is something that we feel, and we can only infer that others are feeling it from various external indications . . . †( Singer, 1990 ). Many environmentalists like Aldo Leopold and Holmes Rolston III criticize as unecological the emphasis those animal liberationists like Peter Singer place on preventing animal suffering. Their argument holds that animal liberationists must regard predation as bad by extending the role of moral consideration to include things that do not feel pain or pleasure. The view that Leopold and Rolston hold maintain that like the natural system of the animal world ( humans and non-human animals ), the eco systems of the land (including soil, plants, and all animals) is highly debatable and should be taken into moral consideration. This paper disputes the latter view by arguing that the capacity for suffering and enjoying things is a prerequisite for having interests at all. As Holmes Rolston III argues, â€Å"Singer has himself proved blind to the still larger effort in environmental ethics to value life in all its ranges and levels, indeed to care for biosphere Earth . . . His victory is mainly for vertebrates, who form only 4 percent of living things by species and only a tiny fraction of a per cent by numbers of individuals†( Rolston, 1990 ). It is reasonable to suppose all vertebrate animals to be capable of feeling pain. With invertebrates the matter becomes unclear but some invertebrates also seem likely to experience pain. As...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Philosophy of Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Philosophy of Law - Essay Example The facts of the case are clear, the Speluncean Society in one of their routine endeavours were inadvertently trapped inside a cave they have set out to explore. Imprisoned for a period of twenty days, the group has become weary and lost for hope without nourishment or the prospect of escaping their prison in just about the right time that they are still alive. Devoid of any further source of food or sustenance, the men faced the ultimate decision of resorting to an act gravely disdained by any civilized society. The joyful day of the men’s freedom simultaneously gave rise to the moment of astonishment when the men who went in came out one person short. Sadly and regrettably, Roger Whetmore was not one of the lucky survivors. Whetmore has fallen victim to his own devise. He unfortunately suffered the fateful consequence of what he had himself proposed. Though he became reluctant upon the last minute, his idea had already been fuelled and intensified by the burning will of a ba nd of men with lost hope of survival and literally dying of hunger (Fuller, n.p.). It was a point of no return and it was a circumstance no God-fearing individual would wish for to his family, his friends or even his enemies.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Ultrsound image modality Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Ultrsound image modality - Assignment Example This is known as extended field-of-view or EFOV. This new technology allows manual movement of the probe along the direction of the array of the transducer, thus facilitating panoramic images without any loss in resolution. The technology causes estimation of translation and rotation of the probe by comparing images which are successive during the movement of the probe (Kim et al, 2003). The technology also has a mechanism for no probe-position sensing. the images in this technology are transformed geometrically based on the position and motion of the probe and then entered into the EFOV image buffer. They are then combined with images which are obtained previously to produce EFOV image. Through this technology, it is possible to acquire and record panoramic images of length as much as 60 cm, thus providing opportunity to view anatomical structures of various topography This allows displaying of larger pathologic structures or organs in a single image itself, along with their surroun dings. Thus EFOV technology has many clinical applications. Infact, many studies have reported the usefulness of this technology in imaging superficial small parts (Kim et al, 2003). Weng and colleagues were the first researchers to introduce extended field-of-view technology, in 1997. They widely applied this technology to many field of sonography (Kim et al, 2003). According to Cooperberg et al (2001), "through the magic of computer technology, extended field of view imaging is back! Extended field of view images can now be created very easily and conveniently, in real time. The convenience and accuracy of real-time imaging is maintained while important anatomical perspectives are added." In a pioneer study by Weng et al (1997), the researchers observed the benefits of extened field imaging that "combines the convenience of a real-time scanner with the spatial advantages of a static B-mode scanner and provides a panoramic image in real time