Thursday, October 31, 2019

Free Trade during the Rise of Capitalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Free Trade during the Rise of Capitalism - Essay Example Witte introduced industrialized capitalism in Russia believing that it establishes competition and free trade which then results in development bringing prosperity to the individuals. The capitalists, Smith and Witte being on top of the list, strongly believed that competition and free-trade provides not only the earning opportunities to both the businessmen and the laborers but also the quality driven affordable products to the consumers. In their point of view a happier and successful individual will give rise to a happier and successful nation and country. The father of the free-market capitalism, Adam Smith further mentioned in his book, "The Wealth of Nation", that "It is not by gold or silver, but by labor, that all the wealth of the world was originally purchased" (Smith, 1776). The basic message expressed by Smith in "The Wealth of Nation" can be simplified as life is all about give and take. Somebody's necessities or luxuries fulfill other man's necessities or luxuries. This means that not only the laborer fulfills his demands by working for the business owner but also the business owner fulfills his demands by providing work to the laborer. This is how people are dependent on each other. Such collaborative efforts of the people of a nation bring harmony and success to them. The other very common concept explaine... This approach of monopoly can be restrained by having competition in the market. The business man will never lower its supply or production knowingly that it will benefit his competitor instead of him. The competition thus, reinforces the benefit of the consumer providing him better products within lesser prices. This approach of competition via capitalism by Smith inspired Sergei Witte who then implemented it in Russia and thereby, brought advancement and development in Russia. But in contrast to Smith, who emphasized over free market, Witte proposed protectionism in his capitalistic vision. In free market, government does not intervene in the market instead it just regulates the market against fraud or corruption. Only property rights are protected by the government with no regulation, subsidization, single monetary system, and governmental monopolies. Whereas Protectionism is the economic policy adopted by the government to impose barriers to trade. Protectionism is also referred as fair trade by it supporters. It is meant to protect the domestic industry from foreign competitors by imposing tariffs, subsidies, import quotas, or other restrictions or handicaps placed on the imports of foreign competitors. Capitalism was strongly condemned by Karl Marx a nineteenth century philosopher, economist, journalist, and revolutionary. He mentioned in his work, "The Communist Manifesto" that "Economic Competition and the pursuit of self-interest created only anguish, inequality, and the exploitation by the "haves" of the "have-nots"." (Marx, 1848) This argument was then perceived by many illustrating that capitalism limit the power and wealth in the hands of few people belonging to the elite

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Assessment and Assessment Techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Assessment and Assessment Techniques - Essay Example Formative assessment is a contrast of summative assessment because summative assessment seeks to monitor outcomes of education for external accountability. Developmental stages are the stages that a child goes through from childhood to adulthood. According to the study made by Erickson, the interaction of a person’s body, cultural influences, and mind determines development. With this in mind, Erickson organized eight development stages which progress from birth until death. The eight stages of development include: Infancy (birth to eighteen months), early childhood (eighteen months to three years), play age (three to five years), school age (six to twelve years), adolescence (twelve to eighteen years), young adult (eighteen to thirty five years), middle adulthood (thirty five to sixty five years), and late adulthood (sixty five to death). During my teaching profession, I sought to understand the assessment of the ever changing developmental stages in children. In this respect I planned an activity that would enable me to assess the differing developmental stages of the children in my work setting. This paper explores the devised plan, and implements a formative assessment activity, that takes into account the needs and interests of the children within my work setting. It demonstrates a systematic process of planning, evaluation, implementation, and the rationale for the design. Rationale for planning and implementing an assessment activity. The rational for formative assessment is quite clear and vivid. To start with provision of feedback, formative assessment provides feedback to the teachers so that they can modify the experience, and learning activities that are subsequent. Feedback involves focusing on the content that is being learnt (Blight, S. 2000). This is the epicenter of formative assessment. It facilitates self assessment development, clarifies the essence of good performance, and it is used in the provision of quality information to learner s concerning their learning. Feedback also boosts self-esteem and positive beliefs, and motivates peer and teacher dialogue in learning. Apart from this, formative assessment is important tool to be used to remediate the deficiencies of children (Cowie, B. 1999). It increases the self efficacy of a child and reduces the effect brought about by extrinsic motivation by moving the focus from obtaining grades into the process of learning. This method of assessment also improves the students’ metacognitive recognition of how they can learn (Black, P. 2000). It enables a teacher to fine tune instructions so that the students can focus on learning progress. Being motivated by the rationale for formative assessment, one thinks of an appropriate activity that could be used to assess the developmental stages in children. From many choices of formative activities and, techniques, the appropriate activity that can be used to quench the need for an assessment is the use of the tray painti ng activity with the help of an age and stage questionnaire (ASQ) for analysis. Planning and implementation of this technique is made possible by the use of a lesson plan shown below. Assessment

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Barriers to Asthma Management

Barriers to Asthma Management Renate Jimerson, Pat LeBlanc, Centrella Stacks Asthma Asthma, the most common chronic illness of childhood, is an inflammatory disease characterized by hyper responsiveness of the airways to stimuli and reversible airway obstruction (Janson, 1998). According to the American Lung Association (ALA) it affects between 6.7 and 9.6 million U.S. children under the age of 18, American Lung Association (ALA) (as cited in Toole 2013). Asthma is the most common chronic childhood disease with increasing prevalence from 31.4 per 1000 population in 1980 to 54.6 per 1000 population in 2000 despite the advances in asthma pathophysiology understanding and treatment (Tsakiris, Iordanidou, Paraskakis, Talskidis, Rigas, Zimeras, Katsardis, Chatzimichael, 2013). Although there have been new medications and medical advances, asthma is a significant cause of a morbidity, school absenteeism, parent lost work days, emergency department (ED) visits, and hospitalizations for children all over the world. Brown, Gallagher, Fowler, Wales; Martinez; Mattke, Martorell, Sharma, Malveaux, Lurie (as cited in Toole 2013). Looking into the causes of school absenteeism, it has been found that asthma is the most frequent cause, according to Doull et al., â€Å"55% of school students and 55% of asthmatic students missed school days due to respiratory symptoms.† Attendance and the limitation of daily activities are both used as indicators of asthma control level in children. Increased absenteeism interrupts learning processes and participation in daily activities. Unfortunately â€Å"In a study that specifically focused on parents’ report of receiving written self-management tools from pediatric primary care physicians, Cabana et al. (8) found that only about 30% of parents reported receiving these tools known to facilitate children’s medical adherence.† (Orrell-Valente, Jones, Manasse, Thyne, Shenkin, Cabana (2011). An initial literature review was done to gain information about what barriers impact medication compliance with school age children. Using different keywords: children, medication compliance, asthma, cost, education, barriers and impact of non ­compliance; were used in the CINAHL database, Google Search, and the Simmons Library to locate information on the subject. Further searches were conducted to refine the topic, from medication compliance with school age children to a more specific topic of medication compliance and asthmatic children. Identifying asthma as the main subject allowed for us to move in a more specific direction. Our next pursuit was in identifying and categorizing the different barriers, determining the major and minor subjects and listing them under specific categories. â€Å"No one risk factor is responsible for asthma morbidity; rather a plethora of factors contribute to the high prevalence, which vary dramatically among children with asthma (Clark, Mitchell, Rand, 2009). Asthma risk factors include living in poverty in the inner-city, being uninsured or Medicaid enrolled, and being African American or Hispanic (Akinbami, Moorman, Garbe, Sondik, 2009; Bloomber et al., 2009; Gerald et al.; Liu Pearlman, 2009; Mattke et al., 2009; Smith, 2009) (Toole, 2013 p 115).† â€Å"In 2005, 9% of children under the age of 14 years were diagnosed with asthma and the prevalence of asthma was found to be highest in this age group (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Control and Prevention, 2006).† (Kamps, J. L., Rapoff, M. A., Roberts, M. C., Varela, R. E. Barnard, M., Olson, N., 2008 p. 206). Critiquing the research articles that were found has led to three major barriers in asthma management. The first barrier is in cost. Subcategories of cost include insurance availability, income, and socio economic levels. The second is culture. Subcategories of culture include language barriers, legal status, traditions and use of alternative medicine. The last is education. Subcategories of education include health literacy, education level, reading and comprehension abilities, information provided and follow up. Barriers that impact and interfere with the management of asthma in children are varied. The outcome of ineffective management are increase cost, hospitalizations, improper use of medication and death. Health care providers need to ensure that the patient and parent or guardian understand the proper use of medication, the disease process and associated risk for misuse of medication. Using these categories, a literature review will be a guide in determining the best practice for improving outcomes, decreasing cost, and developing a plan to ensure cooperation between parents, children and the health care provider. Asthma management requires a multi-faceted approach, including an effective educational component (Ambulatory Pediatrics, 2006). Poor patient outcomes have been associated with a lack of patient and parent compliance with the patient’s individualized treatment plan. There are a number of possible factors that may play a role in patients’ and parents’ noncompliance. They include financial and cultural barriers, and parents’ and patients’ misconception about the disease process and the importance of treatment (Cleveland, 2013). The trends reported in a recent study indicated that asthma education to parents positively impacts asthma-related outcomes in children (Kielb, Lin, Hwang, 2007). In this small sample, there was a decrease in asthma-related sick visits post-education. Asthma cost are increasing and responsible for a higher percentage of the total health care cost for treatment. Increasing and changing copayment are leading to more emergency room visits and hospitalizations. The cost of these are not as visible as the direct cost of an inhaler medications. So the need for educating on all the cost of asthma are important. In the article â€Å"Outpatient Management of Asthma in Children† by Andre Schultz and Andrew C. Martin, they discuss the roles of the provider in the diagnosis and treatment of asthma in children. This article determined that one of the critical areas is non adherence to treatment. Having a plan in place is important as well as continued follow up, avoidance of triggers, and use of medication. Non adherence to medication is impacted by the several factors. Socioeconomic status plays a large role in adherence to medication. Data obtained shows that lower adherence is reported in children at a higher rate from low income families. Perception of cost and the discussion between the Practitioner and patients is important. Determining how the client feels about the medication, treatment plan and chronic disease is important. This will help to facilitate the response to care. The perception of the cost of medication on the client will play a significant role. Not discussing these important facts with the clients may lead to non-compliance. (Patel, M. R., Coffman, J. M., Tseng, Chien-Wen, Clark, N. M. and Cabana, M. D.). In a quasi-experimental study done in 2010, they compared participants in a control and intervention group in regards to adherence to medication, healthcare cost and resource utilization. The determined intervention consisted of 2 components. One an average reduction in copayment and the second was mailing educational material for asthma management. Adherence was determine by the medication available during the duration of therapy and total supply of medication divided by the duration of therapy. When refills overlapped, it was assumed that the client consumed all medications. Healthcare resource was determined by office visits, hospitalizations, emergency room visit, short acting beta-agonist canisters and oral corticosteroid prescriptions. Cost were defined as total amount paid for visits, hospitalizations, emergency room visits, and prescription drugs. Overall cost were determined during the twelve month follow up period. Monthly cost were used rather than total cost during the st udy period. This study showed improved adherence to controller medication which translated into reduced medical cost and increased prescription cost. Although there were an increase in prescription cost the overall expenditure decreased. This study determined that increasing copayments will create a financial barrier to medication adherence. (DSouza, A., Rahnama, R., Regan, T., Common, B., Burch, S. (2010). Understanding that noncompliance to medication comes from the perspective of the client. In children, parents are the main administers of medication. A link between the socioeconomics, cultural values, education and use of medication has been shown to produce a negative effect on adherence. This effect is not a single factor but many factors grouped together to provide a complete picture. Clearly identifying the factors that influence compliance with clients will ensure a more effective management in children with asthma. References Bloomberg, G. R., Banister, C., Sterkel, R., Epstein, J., Bruns, J., Swerczek, L., et al. (2009). Socioeconomic, family, and pediatric practice factors that affect level of asthma control. Pediatrics, 123(3), 829-835. Brooten, D., Youngblut, J. M., Royal, S., Cohn, S., Lobar, S. L., Hernandez, L. (2008). Outcomes of an asthma program: Healthy children, healthy homes. Pediatric Nursing, 34(6), 448-455. Clayton, S. (2014). Adherence to asthma medication. Nurse Prescribing, 12(2), 68-74. Cleveland, K.K. (2013). Evidence-based Asthma Education for Parents. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 18(1), 25-32. doi: 10.111/jspn.12007 Cloutier, M., Jones, G., Hinckson, V., Wakefield, D. (2008). Effectiveness of an Asthma Management Program in Reducing Disparities of Care in Urban Children. Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, 100(6), 545-550. doi: 1.1016/S1081-1206(10) 60058-0. Communication and Education about Asthma in Rural and Urban Schools (2006). Ambulatory Pediatrics, 6(4), 198-203. DSouza, A., Rahnama, R., Regan, T., Common, B., Burch, S. (2010). The h-e-b value-based health management program: impact on asthma medication adherence and healthcare cost. American Health Drug Benefits, 3(6), 394-401. Hoover, E., L., Pierce, C., S., Spencer, G., A., Britten, M., X., Neff-Smith, M., James, G., D., et al. (2012). Relationships among functional health literacy, asthma knowledge and the ability to care for asthmatic children in rural dwelling parents. Online Journal of Rural Nursing Health Care, 12(2), 30-40. Kamps, J. L., Rapoff, M. A., Roberts, M. C., Varela, R. E. Barnard, M., Olson, N. (2008) Improving adherence to inhaled corticosteroids in children with asthma: a  pilot of randomized clinical trial. Children’s Health Care (CHILD HEALTH CARE), 2008. Oct ­Dec; 37 (4): 261 ­77. Kielb, C., Len, S. Hwang, S. (2007). Asthma Prevalence, Management, and Education in New York State Elementary Schools; A Survey of School Nurses. Journal of School Nursing, 23(5), 267-275. Orrel-Valente, J., Jones, K., Manasse, S., Thyne, S. M., Shenkin, B. N., Cabana, M. D. (2011). Childrens and parents report of asthma education received from physicians. Journal of Asthma, 48(8), 831-838. Patel, M., Brown, R., Clark, N. (2013). Perceived parent financial burden and  asthma outcomes in low-income, urban children. Journal Of Urban Health,  90(2), 329-342. doi:10.1007/s11524-012-9774-7. Patel, M. R., Coffman, J. M., Tseng, Chien-Wen, Clark, N. M. and Cabana, M. D. Physician Communication Regarding Cost When Prescribing Asthma Medication to Children CLIN PEDIATR June 2009 48: 493-498, first published on January 21, 2009 doi:10.1177/0009922808330110. Schultz, A., Martin, A. C. (2013). Outpatient Management of Asthma in Children.  Clinical Medicine Insights: Pediatrics, (7), 13-24. doi:10.4137/CMPed.S7867 Toole, K., P. (2013). Helping children gain asthma control: Bundled school-based  interventions. Pediatric Nursing, 39(3), 115-124. Tsakiris, A., Iordanidou, M., Paraskakis, E., Tsalkidis, A., Rigas, A., Zimeras, S., Katsardis, C. Chatzimichael, A. (2013). The presence of asthma, the use of inhaled steroids, andparental education level affect school performance in children. BioMed ResearchInternational, vol. 2013

Friday, October 25, 2019

Diamonds in the Rough :: Nature Rocks Outdoors Essays

Diamonds in the Rough Nature is full of many awe-inspiring things, from majestic mountains to carpets of flowers. There is much artistic creativity inspired by nature, but it is often of valleys, and streams. Rarely do we see the smaller pieces that make up such grand pictures. There are few people who appreciate the beauty of a single leaf, or a single drop of water. It is even rarer to find a person who finds beauty in a rock. For most people rocks are only beautiful if polished up and set in gold or silver. I am certainly no exception, however, I am often intrigued by the lower class of rocks. It takes a child, or an adult in touch with their inner child, to find the potential of the average, dirt covered rock. Through the eyes of a child, each rock takes on a personality, be it a country cousin or a snooty countess. Come through the eyes of a child and experience the beauty and majesty of a rock, from the simple stone to the classy diamond. On our daily journeys we often pass by the humblest of rocks, those that decorate our gardens, or the ones that are simply buried in the dirt at the park. Most of us see a rock, if we see it all. These quiet stones are the lowest caste of the rock world, but they do not lack their own impressiveness. They come in all shapes and sizes, from large and smooth, to small with jagged edges. They even come in different colors and patterns, swirled greys, and pale creams, deep browns, and smooth reds. Like fingerprints, or people themselves, no rock is like any other. These rocks are a chid’s friend, another door to the imagination. Children use them to build houses for gnomes, and pretend they are people. We adults simply smile and indulge the child, never once looking beyond the rock. Yet sometimes I find myself imagining this plain grey rock’s journey. Did it form in the bowels of the earth, from molten rock? Did it work its way to the surface over cen turies of time?

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Effects of Commercialization Essay

Effects of Commercialization Commercialization is often confused with sales, marketing, or business development. â€Å"The rise of commercialization is an artifact of the growth of corporate power† (Gray Ruskin and Juliet Schor 487). Ruskin and Schor states that â€Å"corporations fostered the anti-tax movement and support for corporate welfare, which helped create funding crises in state and local governments and schools, and made them more willing to carry commercial adverting (487). Open-source communities have learned over time to integrate commercial interests into their development ranks without capitulating to those commercial interests. â€Å"Economists often assume that markets are inert, they do not affect the goods being exchange (Michael J. Sandel 492). Commercialization process has three key aspects: The Funnel it is essential to look at many ideas to get one or two products or businesses that can be sustained long-term, stage-wise process, and each stage has it s own key goals and milestones, and vital to involve key stakeholders early, including customers. There are so many outlooks of commercialization. The effects of commercialization are black Friday, attack on family values, and environment. The rise of commercialization is an artifact of the growth of corporate power† (Ruskin and Schor 487). Black Friday is one of the biggest shopping days of the year. Black Friday is the following Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Black Friday is not a holiday. Black Friday has become popular. Better than last minute Christmas sales. Retailers put their items on sale on Thanksgiving Morning. We realize the importance of Black Friday to retailers. It’s the day that the yearly sales finally move from the red deficit column into black profit. But its impetus, the blood sport of bargaining hunting, overshadows the meaning and the reason for Thanksgiving. Instead of giving thanks for what we have, too many salivate over what can be acquired. â€Å"Economics was becoming an imperial domain. Today, the logical of buying and selling no longer applies to material goods alone† (Michael J. Sandel 494). The family is the most  fundamental of society’s institutions, for it is within the family setting that lifetime behaviors and beliefs are established and values nurtured best in children including adolescent behavior. â€Å"The mother of the household says having less means her family appreciates p ossessions more† (Anna Quindlen 502). One key form of capitalist attack on the family lies in a process called commodification, in which capital seeks to undermine the natural forms of human interaction in all spheres of life and exchange them with commercial relations. In particular, capital strives to turn loving family relations. Healthy families are a challenge to capitalism. Family values and family ties are important institutions which, among others, affect numerous economic decisions. An historical perspective reveals that the conflict over the family may only be beginning and that we may be on the verge of a wider confrontation that will decide not only the survival of the family but fundamental questions about the scope and nature of the modern state. Political attacks on our families involve so many issues, there are many ways you can begin to talk to your child about them. â€Å"We did not arrive at this condition through any deliberate choice. It is almost as if it came upon us† (492). There is a massive environmental impact just in the sheer activity level of the community. The commercialization environment, the microeconomic and strategic conditions facing a firm that is translating an idea to a product, determines the most effective commercialization strategy, the process for bringing innov ation to the marketplace. â€Å"As corporations consolidate their control over governments and culture, we don’t expect an outright reversal of commercialization in the near future† (491). The crucial element of a firm’s commercialization strategy is whether it competes or cooperates with established firms. Commercialization strategy is thus one of the most crucial decisions a firm makes in terms of its ability to profit from technologies developed within the firm. Effective commercialization strategy results from careful analysis of the commercialization environment. Considering the benefits and costs of other strategies for securing profits and competitive advantage through innovation. â€Å"We live in a time when almost everything can be bought and sold (492). In conclusion, commercialization is often tangled with sales, marketing, or business development. Black Friday is one of the largest shopping days of the year. Black Friday is the following Thanksgiving Day in  the United States. The family is the most fundamental of society’s institutions, for it is within the family setting that lifetime behaviors and beliefs. There is a considerable environ mental impact just in the complete activity level of the community. Many technologies begin in the laboratory and are not practical for commercial use in their infancy. Works Cited Quindlen, Anna. â€Å"Stuff is Not Salvation.† Perspective on Contemporary Issues: Reading Across the Disciplines. Rd. Katherine Anne Ackley 7th ed. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. 2015 502-04. Print. Ruskin, Gray, and Schor, Juliet. Every Nook and Cranny: â€Å"The Dangerous Spread of Commercialized Culture.† Perspective on Contemporary Issues: Reading Across the Disciplines. Rd. Katherine Anne Ackley 7th ed. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. 2015 487-91. Print. Sandel, Michael. â€Å"What Isn’t for Sale?† Perspective on Contemporary Issues: Reading Across the Disciplines. Rd. Katherine Anne Ackley 7th ed. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. 2015 492-97. Print.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Antz – the Bread Factory Marketing Plan

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila College of Management and Entrepreneurship MARKETING PLAN FOR ANTZ – THE BREAD FACTORY In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject Retail Marketing By: de Dios, Rizcel B. Dizon, Maralon S. Duhaylungsod, Ram Joseph M. Fabi, Francis Jayvincent P. Gabriel, Aira Migelle Igcasenza, Nestine N. Medallo, Renz Harvey M. Parallag, Jemeremiah I. Rivera, Sear Jan L. Professor Angelo Alfonso Abejero March 2012 I. Company Information A. Trade Name of Retail Business Antz – The Bread Factory B. Nature of Business Antz – The Bread Factory is a self-service bakeshop, engaged in offering freshly baked breads.And last year it launched its new branches with a new business concept of â€Å"BAKESHOP ON WHEELS†, which is a limited service bakeshop offering Antz’s certified original breads. C. Corporate Address AHD Foods Corporation 2nd Floor Dolmar Gold Tower, #107 C. Palanca St. Legaspi Village Makati 1200, Philippines D. D ate/Year of Establishment AHD Foods Corporation opened the first store branch of Antz – The Bread Factory in February, 2008. E. Number of Branches and Locations Antz – The Bread Factory has five operating branches: 1. SM Sta. Rosa, Laguna ( mall branch, bakeshop with dine-in) 2. SM Hypermart, Las Pinas (mall branch) . Bluewave, Macapagal Ave. , Pasay City (bakeshop on wheels) 4. DLSU, Vito Cruz, Manila (bakeshop on wheels) 5. Pioneer Centre, Mandaluyong City (bakeshop on wheels) II. Environmental and Market Trends A. Socio-economic Changes Bread is one of man’s earliest foods. Today it is considered a staple food and part of the diet of almost all people all over the world. Commercial baking and other industries supporting it became big businesses and now constitute a large slice of the food industry. The industry is highly competitive; making it very difficult to start a new bakery, especially in cities. Related reading: Gardenia Marketing StrategyAn entrepreneur might consider buying an existing business or locating in a rural area. One of the fastest growing areas in the bakery business is the specialty franchise store, producing everything from donuts to complete product lines. Many bakers are incurring significant losses because of their inability to adjust bread prices because if they increase their prices, it might lead to a drop on sales. Philippine Association of Flour Millers had explained that it takes three months from purchase date for wheat to become flour due to shipping time from the United States.The Philippines buys its wheat mostly from the United States, so despite of the downward trend in wheat, flour still increases its price. Consumers perceive that small bakeries offer convenience, personal service, and fresher, better quality products. In general, bakery sales increase when consumer’s average incomes increase. B. Consumer Buying Behavior Affecting the B usiness Buying power or purchasing power of consumers depends on the changing environment and economic situation. More people prefer to eat out of home (OOH) because of busy working schedule and for their convenience.Customers, especially those who are employed, tend to choose and buy ready-to-eat foods that can satisfy their need in a quick manner, just like what is being offered in every bakeshop. Nowadays, majority of the populace are value maximizers; people want to ensure that every cent in they pay for the product is worth it —low price at the same time good quality products. There is a high demand for breads because of its affordability and the satisfaction it gives to its consumers. On site baking of some bakeshops became an edge because people are looking for freshly made breads.But there is a buying behavior that cannot be detached to Filipinos, this is impulse buying. People tend to buy products with appealing looks or packaging even though they do not intend and p lan to buy those items. Offerings that capture the attention of potential buyers can make it to the top. III. Competitive Environment The diagram will show the different key competitive factors that make a business thrive in the industry and market. It also shows the evaluation of the strategic group’s performance based on the key competitive factors. Key competitive Factors|Retail Brands| Store Layout/ Design| Competitive Price| Merchandise Offerings| Operation| Type of Promotion| Accessibility of the store| Goldilocks| >blue/yellow>visible menu boards and advertising materials| -low price level| -organized-easily accessible merchandise-wide variety of pastries and cakes| -mall hours-non-mall based stores, flexible hours| Media:>TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, InternetNon-Media:>Flyers, Billboards> Effective promotion| >many operating branches In and out of malls>stores are located in high traffic areas| Red Ribbon| -red/black-dimmed ight> its design provides a romantic an d peaceful mood| -higher price compared to other bakeshops| -easily accessible merchandise-wide variety of pastries and cakes| -mall hours-non-mall based stores, flexible hours| Media:>TV, Newspapers, Magazines, InternetNon-Media:>Flyers> Effective promotion| >many operating branches in and out of malls>stores are located in high traffic areas| Bread Talk| -traditional bakeshop-sleek-space age| -high priced| -40-60 different items daily| -mall hours| >Word of mouth| >many operating branches in malls>stores are located in high traffic areas| Antz – The Bread Factory| -giant loaf bread store-unique storedesign| -mid-price level| -theatre style-see-through kitchens-enticing design of breads| -mall hours-non-mall based stores, flexible hours| Media:-Magazines-NewspaperNon-Media:-Flyers> Less promotional effort| >stores are located in high traffic areas| IV. Company’s Current Strategies A. Target market The profile of the Antz – The Bread Factory customer consists of the following geographic, demographic, psychographics, and behavior factors: Geographic: The geographic market would be urban dwellers in key cities in Mega Manila. Demographic: The primary target customers are those individuals (male and female) who belong to SEC B and C from all ages.Psychographic: The psychographic market would be busy, on-the-go. Behavior factors: * Looking for delicious varieties of breads (savory or sweet in taste) * Want to eat something different from greasy fast foods * Seeks healthier versions of quickly served foods * Searching for a bakeshop offering freshly baked breads B. Positioning * Positioning Statement To urban dwellers in key cities in Mega Manila, from all ages from SEC B – C, who are always busy, and on-the-go looking for delicious varieties of bread, want to eat something different and healthier version of fast foods, and searching for a bakeshop offering freshly baked breads.Antz – The Bread Factory is a (limited service) bakes hop is the Philippines’ fastest rising bakeshop and fast food that is first to introduce a bakeshop on wheels in Asia with its unique â€Å"Big Loaf Bread† store layout offering unique, healthy, and delicious flavored breads with internal man power composed of highly trained nutritionists/dieticians, culinary experts, chefs and bakers. * Positioning Strategy Antz – The Bread Factory offers a variety of healthy, tasty, affordable, freshly-baked breads to help our customers find refuge in today’s greasy fast food. C. Marketing Mix Strategies 1. Product and Merchandise Mix There are varieties of breads offered by Antz – The Bread Factory: * Loaves * Muffins * Fiesta Buns * Floss * Wraps * Ensaimada * Cluster * Other Breads 2. Pricing LOAVES Loaves| Price| Choco Loaf| Php 57. 00| Ube Swirl Loaf| Php 57. 00| Monggo Loaf| Php 57. 00|Raisin Loaf| Php 49. 00| Pandesal Loaf| Php 49. 00| Plain Loaf| Php 49. 00| Wheat Bread| Php 49. 00| MUFFINS Muffins| Price | Strawberry Muffins| Php 30. 00| Choco Pepermint Muffins| Php 30. 00| Orange Choco Muffins| Php 30. 00| FIESTA BUNS Fiesta Buns| Price| Coffee Bun| Php 26. 00| Choco Bun| Php 26. 00| Ube Bun| Php 26. 00| FLOSS Floss| Price| Majestic Pork Floss| Php 40. 00| Spicy Pork Floss| Php 40. 00| Chicken Floss| Php 40. 00| WRAPS Wraps| Price| Ham Wrap| Php 25. 00| Hotdog Wrap| Php 25. 00| PIZZA Pizza| Price| Mayon Pork BBQ| Php 52. 00| Braided Pizza| Php 49. 00| Hawaiian Pizza| Php 49. 00| Mini Lasagna | Php 35. 00| Mini Baked Mac| Php 29. 00|ENSAIMADA Ensaimada| Price| Plain Ensaimada| Php 27. 00| Ubesaimada| Php 27. 00| Macasaimada| Php 27. 00| CLUSTERS Clusters| Price| Monggo Cluster| Php 60. 00| Ubesai Cluster| Php 60. 00| Plain Ensai Cluster| Php 60. 00| Ube Cluster| Php 59. 00| OTHER BREADS Other Breads| Price| Beefy Bread| Php 37. 00| Chicky Bread| Php 35. 00| Porky Bread| Php 30. 00| Ham Cluster| Php 30. 00| Cheesy Cupcake| Php 30. 00| Tuna Bun| Php 27. 00| Cream Cheese Bun| Php 26. 0 0| Garlic Bread| Php 20. 00| Double Choco| Php 17. 00| Pan de Pandan| Php 17. 00| 3. Placement Antz – The Bread Factory does not only focus on having mall branches. Some outlets which are 50-120 sq. eter in commercial space are located at strategic, high foot traffic areas such as central business districts and commercial hubs. 4. Promotion AHD Food Corporation uses both media and non media approaches to advertise and promote Antz – The Bread Factory. Promotions are used to encourage and capture franchisers, at the same time to inform people about their enticing bread offerings. ADVERTISING * Print ads – newspaper and magazines, tarp * Packaging * Audio-visual materials * Symbols and logos SALES PROMOTION * Gifts PUBLIC RELATIONS * Sponsorship * Events 5. Service Strategy a. People Training * Antz – The Bread Factory gives its employees Management Development Programs and continuous training to make sure that its employees perform their best. b. Store Lay out Antz – The bread factory malls located branches have beautifully designed dine-in area and spacious counter with hip music and experiential services provides our customers an  atmosphere  of fun and exciting place to shop and dine. * Antz – The Bread Factory’s â€Å"bakeshop on wheels† branches are designed like a giant loaf of bread with 50-120 sq. m. commercial space. c. After-sales & Customer Service Strategy * Antz – The Bread Factory offers Delivery services, free bread on next visit of customers or thank you messages on bulk orders. V. Company Analysis A. Threats 1. There are many existing bakeshops in the Philippines making it difficult to start a new bakery especially in cities. 2. Inability to adjust bread prices due to the price hike of the bread’s main ingredients like flour, sugar. B. Opportunities 1.There is a big demand for bread here in the Philippines because bread serves as their secondary alternative for rice. 2. Fi lipinos are fond of sweet foods. 3. There is a large bracket of target market because bread is for a wide range of age, male or female. C. Strengths 1. Antz – The Bread Factory offers products that is unique and can only be found in the store. 2. Our Research and Development team compose of highly train individuals namely; nutritionist/dietician, culinary experts, chefs, and bakers. 3. The products are presented theatre style where the kitchen’s SEE-THROUGH design allows the customer to feel the freshness of each bread being made and served. 4. Branches in bakeshop on wheels have flexible operating hours. 5.The store layout of Antz – The Bread Factory bakeshop on wheels is well executed in a big loaf bread design. 6. Antz – The Bread Factory has a strong franchise relationship as member of the Philippine Franchise Association (PFA). D. Weaknesses 1. Antz – The Bread Factory is not well established. The bakeshop is not properly advertised. 2. We off er a product that is already available in the market. 3. Customers have to travel further to get in our stores because we have fewer branches. 4. The products we offer are not durable and can be easily blemished; it is the reason for some leftover. 5. Innovative products can be easily replicated. 6. The operating hours of bakeshop on wheels have no fix operating hours. 7.External employees of Antz’s franchises do not provide proper accommodation to the customers. VI. Marketing Objectives * To increase the number of franchised stores by 15. * To introduce new products to the market. * To increase annual sales by 10% per year * To increase the number of customers by 5% per year VII. Proposed Marketing Strategy A. Target Market Our proposed target market would be the same as the current target market of the company which are busy, on-the-go and health conscious individuals, but this time we will emphasize as our primary target market are the health conscious individuals and othe r urban dwellers as the secondary target market. Health conscious individuals- consists of athletes, parents who want to give their children healthy foods, those who want to maintain their physically fitted body and even those who are not physically fit but want to. †¢ Other urban dwellers- this segment pertains to all other on-the-go individuals, students, professionals, all community dwellers who want something different from greasy fast foods and seeking healthier version of quickly served foods. B. Positioning Strategy Antz – The Bread Factory offers a variety of healthy, tasty, affordable, freshly-baked breads to help our customers find refuge in today’s greasy fast food. C. Core Marketing Strategy 1. Product and merchandising mix Loaves| Loaf Plain| Pandesal Loaf| Raisin Loaf| Wheat Bread| Choco Loaf|Ube Swirl Loaf| Monggo Loaf| Muffins| Strawberry Muffins| Choco Pepermint Muffins| Orange Choco Muffins| Fiesta Buns| Coffee Bun| Choco Bun| Ube Bun| Floss| Maj estic Pork Floss| Spicy Pork Floss| Chicken Floss| Wraps| Ham Wrap| Hotdog Wrap| Pizza| Mayon Pork BBQ| Braided Pizza| Hawaiian Pizza| Mini Baked Mac| Mini Lasagna| Ensaimada| Plain Ensaimada| Ubesaimada| Macasaimada| Cluster| Monggo Cluster| Ube Cluster| Plain Ensai Cluster| Ubesai Cluster| Other Breads| Tuna Bun| Ham Cluster| Double Choco| Creamcheese Bun| Cheesy Cupcake| Garlic Bread| Pan de Pandan| Beefy Bread| Chicky Bread| Porky Bread| *NEW PRODUCT LINE* Fruit & Veggie Breads|Strawberry Glazed Bread| Melon Glazed Bread| Pineapple Glazed Bread| Banana Glazed Bread| Mango Glazed Bread| Malunggay Bread| Squash Bread| Carrot Bread| *BREADS IN BUNDLE* Antz – The Bread Factory will also offer breads in bundle. It will be the assortment of seven (7) breads and it’s the customers’ choice of what bread they put on the bundle. 2. Pricing LOAVES Loaves| Price| Choco Loaf| Php 57. 00| Monggo Loaf| Php 57. 00| Ube Swirl Loaf| Php 57. 00| Pandesal Loaf| Php 49. 00| Rasi n Loaf| Php 49. 00| Plain Loaf| Php 49. 00| Wheat Bread| Php 49. 00| MUFFINS Muffins| Price| Muffins| Php 30. 00| Strawberry Muffins| Php 30. 00| Choco Pepermint Muffins| Php 30. 00|Orange Choco Muffins| Php 30. 00| FIESTA BUNS Fiesta Buns| Price| Coffee Bun| Php 26. 00| Choco Bun| Php 26. 00| Ube Bun| Php 26. 00| FLOSS Floss| Price| Majestic Pork Floss| Php 40. 00| Spicy Pork Floss| Php 40. 00| Chicken Floss| Php 40. 00| WRAPS Wraps| Price| Ham Wrap| Php 25. 00| Hotdog Wrap| Php 25. 00| PIZZA Pizza| Price| Mayon Pork BBQ| Php 52. 00| Braided Pizza| Php 49. 00| Hawaiian Pizza| Php 49. 00| Mini Lasagna| Php 35. 00| Mini Baked Mac| Php 29. 00| ENSAIMADA Ensaimada| Price| Plain Ensaimada| Php 27. 00| Ubesaimada| Php 27. 00| Macasaimada| Php 27. 00| CLUSTERS Cluster| Price| Monggo Cluster| Php 60. 00| Ubesai Cluster| Php 60. 00|Plain Ensai Cluster| Php 60. 00| Ube Cluster| Php 59. 00| OTHER BREADS Other Breads| Price| Beefy Bread| Php 37. 00| Chicky Bread| Php 35. 00| Porky Bread| Php 3 0. 00| Ham Cluster| Php 30. 00| Cheesy Cupcake| Php 30. 00| Tuna Bun| Php 27. 00| Cream Cheese Bun| Php 26. 00| Garlic Bread| Php 20. 00| Double Choco| Php 17. 00| Pan de Pandan| Php 17. 00| *NEW PRODUCT LINE* Fruit & Veggie Breads| Price| Strawberry Glazed Bread| Php 43. 00| Melon Glazed Bread| Php 40. 00| Pineapple Glazed Bread| Php 40. 00| Banana Glazed Bread| Php 38. 00| Mango Glazed Bread| Php 38. 00| Malunggay Bread| Php 35. 00| Squash Bread| Php 35. 00 | Carrot Bread| Php 35. 00| *BREAD IN BUNDLES*Bundle pricing involves selling distinct multiple items offer together at a special prize. For Bread in Bundles, we will give ten (10) percent discount for a minimum of seven (7) breads purchase 3. Placement Strategy Since Antz – The Bread Factory is a member of the Philippine Franchise Association (PFA) we propose to locate our franchised stores near the anchor stores to accumulate high traffic and to generate sales. D. Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies 1. Creati ve theme Nowadays people are exposed to greasy and unhealthy food especially those children who are fond of eating fast foods. They choose unhealthy foods over vegetables and fruits that can give positive effects in their body.Fruits and vegetables are packed with essential nutrients that strengthen the body, heal and repair damage, ward off sickness and fight diseases. â€Å"Antz, the provider of fresh and healthy breads† is the campaign for the year 2012. Antz will deliver vegetables and fruits infused breads that can satisfy the need of health conscious customers. Antz will not only offer freshly baked breads but also the nutrients that you can acquire from the vegetables and fruits. Vegetable and fruit breads are the newest offering of Antz that can give delicious experiences to a healthy diet. 2. Integrated Communications Program Based on the company analysis, Antz – The Bread Factory needs to improve its promotional effort to establish the company well in the mar ket.And the following promotional mix will be used to position the company on the bread industry. Advertising * Print Ads (Flyers and posters) – The flyers and posters contains the 2012 campaign which is â€Å"Antz, the provider of fresh and healthy breads. † The flyers and posters will be distributed and posted in high traffic areas and the existing branches of Antz – The Bread Factoy. * Audio Visual Materials (Jingle and Internet advertising) – The jingle will be played in every store branches to capture the attention of the customers. While in the internet advertising, audio visual presentations will be posted on our website and Facebook fanpage to regularly inform the target market about our campaign and new products.Public Relations * Sponsorship (For health oriented events and TV programs) – Antz – The Bread Factory will sponsorship health related events and programs to create a good publicity that will ignite the emotions of the marke t. * E-mail and Telemarketing – we will send a personal message through email for the potential prospects, to inform them about new offerings and events that will be held 3. Media Plan ACTIVITY| TIME FRAME| BUDGET| Distribution of flyers and posters| Every third month| Php 960,000. 00| Releasing audio-visual materials| End of the year| Php 16,000. 00| Sponsoring health-oriented events and TV programs| Every quarter| Php 360,000. 0| Inviting and informing potential prospects through internet| Every month| ———–| *applicable for 2 years Total: Php 1,336,000. 00 4. After-sales and Customer Service Strategy 1. People * Antz – The Bread Factory will provide a service training program that includes one (1) day orientation, three (3) days store management and marketing training, ten (10) days baker mastery, two (2) days cashier service training. * Antz – The Bread Factory will create a proper store dialogue that will surely attract more custo mers. 2. Store layout and design * Antz – The Bread Factory will improve store facade by adding more designs like glass, mirror and lights.We will also add music in the store so the customers will feel more comfortable. We will also create a unique scent to develop a somatic marker to our valued customers. 3. After sales and customer service strategy * Antz – The Bread Factory will give loyalty cards to our customers that give discount. * Antz – The Bread Factory give free breads for those who buy bulk orders. * Antz – The Bread Factory will impose a free delivery for bulk orders. Appendices Appendix A Sketch of the Veggie and Fruit Breads Appendix B Side view sketch of the proposed packaging Appendix C Top view sketch of the proposed packaging Appendix D Front view sketch of the proposed packaging